The simplest answer is found in Galatians 5:16-26, which teaches us what living in the power of the Holy Spirit looks like. These verses tell us that we need to let the Holy Spirit guide every part of our lives and produce in us this kind of fruit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. That means we can recognize the Holy Spirit's work in our lives by looking at the fruit He is producing in us. Are we more loving, joyful, at peace, kind, and so on? Ask yourself, "Am I personally growing in these areas? Which of these do I find difficult to be?" When we surrender our wants, desires, thoughts, minds, hardships, and lives to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to lead us, we will be able to recognize His work in us.
Also, ask yourself, "Do people recognize these fruits in how I talk, behave, and live?" The fruit of the Holy Spirit in our lives greatly impacts our relationships within our families, communities, schools, and workplaces. When we let the Holy Spirit change us, people will notice! As the fruits of the Spirit grow in us, we will desire to serve others more. We will be at peace when hard things happen instead of being anxious and fearful. We will handle situations with more wisdom and calm. We will have deeper relationships with our spouses and kids. We won't stress the little things as much and will be able to release the things that irritate us to the control of the Holy Spirit. Maybe we won't get as annoyed by that bad driver or complain about others.
This is important because the world is watching. As we live in the power of the Holy Spirit, we will have the opportunity to be the light of Jesus, and people will be drawn to Him! We will be able to help others who have struggled with the same unhealthy choices and addictions. We will be an example of how to live a life of freedom from the things that drag us down and make life difficult for ourselves and those around us.
By His divine power, God has given us everything we need to live a godly life.
2 Peter 1:3 says, "By His divine power (that's the Holy Spirit in us), God has given us everything we need to live a godly life." I love this because it's not always easy for me to be loving, patient, or self-controlled. But I do not have to stress it! I just need to surrender. It is the Holy Spirit IN me, changing me from the inside out, helping me, guiding me, and strengthening me as I walk with Him! I am not alone, and that is comforting.