Day 17 - Advent Observances

by Church Staff on December 24, 2024

Welcome! Thanks for joining us in our 2024 Advent Observances. These short daily thoughts are designed for us to sit (if possible in a quiet place), be still, be present to the Lord and ourselves for thought and prayer.  

Day 17 

a season of hopeful waiting,
we look back at the birth of Christ,
we look forward to the hope Christ coming again,
and when we know Jesus we live each and every day, each and every moment,
with the reality of Immanuel, Christ with us.*

This Christmas prayer, written by Pastor Dale Gish, beautifully reflects how the first Advent of Christ is our invitation to let Immanuel live in and through us in our here and now. Read the poem slowly, even out loud, if you’d like.  

Treasure All This   

Jesus, you have taken this stable of my heart, my mind, my imagination,
Full of stubble and dust, and filled it with joy and wonder.

Mary and Joseph arrive, exhausted from their journey
In the throes of childbirth.
You are born a helpless, fragile, little baby
Needing so much, but offering even more.
When I hold you, I feel how much love flows through you
And into me, and out of me, towards you.

I get to proclaim good news with the angels,
Be amazed with the shepherds and run to adore you,
Journey with the Magi and bring my gifts to you.
In whatever way I come to you, you welcome me.
And so, I welcome you into this world, into my life.
I want to know you, love you, serve you.

Like Mary I treasure all this in my heart
My heart, so full of you.


What feelings stir in you as you read these words? Pause with the Lord in this question for a few minutes.

Read the poem again, slowly. Is there a particular word or phrase the Holy Spirit seems to be highlighting to you? Pause and reflect on what the Holy Spirit might be saying to you through the word or phrase.


Jesus, thank you that you always welcome me – what a lovely, comforting thought. I always have a home in You. And in the same way You invite me to extend that same sort of welcome to others. For it is in welcoming Christ and welcoming others that I receive and give love, which in turn enlarges and enriches my heart, my life, and Your kingdom. We are grateful for this Advent season, which reminds us we always have Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love in Immanuel, God with us.


*If you’d like to talk with a pastor about your relationship with Jesus, or are unsure of your relationship with Jesus, click HERE to be in touch with a pastor.


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