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Pentecost Devotional - Day 2

by Church Staff on May 21, 2024

This devotion is our invitation into deeper fellowship with the Holy Spirit. He is the promised gift we celebrate at Pentecost.

Paraklétos (παράκλητος) is the Greek word John uses in recording Jesus’ teaching on the Holy Spirit. It only occurs 5 times in the New Testament (John 14:16, 26, 15:26, 16:7; 1 John 2:1) It is very difficult to find one English word that expresses the full meaning of Paraklétos. We will spend these few days looking at the various translations of this word and how each word speaks to the person of the Holy Spirit.



Take 1-2 minutes of stillness and silence to focus your scattered senses on the presence of God.


Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you. (John 16:7 NIV)


Paraklétos is also translated as Advocate which helps us understand one aspect of the Holy Spirit’s work. Both words (paraklétos and Advocate) share the meaning “to call to one’s side for help,” especially against an accuser or judge. We do have an accuser, Satan. The accuser seeks to isolate us, distort our trust in God, and drive us away from His presence. “The Spirit nudges and prods me back in God’s direction, assuring me that, everywhere I turn, I am in His loving gaze.”* In the face of the lies that the accuser would have me believe, Jesus shines the light of His perfect love into my soul. It is His love that drives out all fear and leads me into the truth.

  • Pray for someone who may be fighting the accuser that they would allow the Holy Spirit to draw them into freedom.

  • Pray for Jesus to shine His light on the lies you are tempted to believe. Ask Him to show you where your view of yourself, others and God may be distorted.


As I walk through this day, I take this truth with me:

  • God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him (1 John 4:16b).

  • There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear (1 John 4:18a).

Thank you that the Holy Spirit is with me and dwells in me (John 14:17b).


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