Peter Calls the People to Repent
Series: Rise
The speaker, Pastor Nick, begins by addressing the universal human longing for justice, often evident from childhood complaints of fairness. As people grow older, they recognize the brokenness in the world, in relationships, and even within themselves. While justice is a significant cultural focus, it alone does not bring true healing. Instead, the deeper need is for grace, which is often absent in a world quick to judge and condemn. In Acts 3:11-26, Peter speaks to a crowd about the healing, repentance, and renewal found in Jesus, emphasizing that transformation goes beyond religious transactions. Pastor Nick highlights three key truths: true healing comes from Jesus, true repentance calls for turning toward God, and true renewal is an ongoing work of grace. He encourages listeners not only to hear these words but to experience them personally. The message concludes by referencing the miraculous healing of a man in Acts 3, demonstrating that Jesus, the "Author of Life," has the power to restore and redeem. From the fall of humanity to the present, God's work has always been about reclaiming and making people whole.

Nick Steinloski
Executive Pastor of Ministries
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