Series: Daniel: Doing What Is Right In A Changing Culture
August 18, 2024 | Scott Harris
Passage: Daniel 9:1-27
Our series, "Daniel: Doing What Is Right in Our Changing Culture," addresses the challenges we face as culture shifts around us. Jesus emphasized in John 17 that we are intentionally placed in this time and space by God. Romans 12:2 encourages us not to conform to the world but to be transformed, empowering us as change agents through the Holy Spirit. Daniel, who experienced exile from his homeland to Babylon, serves as an example of thriving amidst cultural change. He kept his focus on God's promises, which guided his actions and decisions.
In Daniel 9, he seeks answers about the duration of Jerusalem's desolation, turning to Scripture for guidance—an important lesson for us. When faced with questions or struggles, we too should look to God's Word for answers. To encourage deeper engagement with Scripture, I challenge everyone to commit to reading a chapter from the Book of John each day for 21 days. This practice can lead to transformative change by centering our thoughts on Jesus.
Series Information