Series: Daniel: Doing What Is Right In A Changing Culture
August 11, 2024 | Damian Thompson
Passage: Daniel 8:1-27
Today, we continue our sermon series on the book of Daniel, focusing on chapter eight. For those new to the series, don’t worry about catching up on the previous chapters; they can be reviewed later if you choose. Daniel's narrative is filled with extraordinary events, and chapter eight promises to deliver just as much intrigue.
In this chapter, we find Israel in exile under King Nebuchadnezzar, with Daniel among the best of the Jewish people taken to Babylon. He gains favor due to his ability to interpret dreams, a skill he continues to showcase under King Belshazzar. After a brief recap of previous events, we learn that Daniel receives a new vision in the third year of Belshazzar's reign.
This vision features symbolic imagery, including a ram and a goat, which represent significant historical and prophetic events. The vision emphasizes the struggle between powers and the eventual restoration of the sanctuary after a period of desolation. As we read through verses 1-14, we will explore the meaning and implications of these images, drawing connections to our lives and the broader context of God's promises.
Series Information