Series: Daniel: Doing What Is Right In A Changing Culture
August 25, 2024 | Scott Harris
Passage: Daniel 10:1-12:13
In today's message, the focus is on navigating our rapidly changing culture with wisdom, drawing inspiration from the example of Daniel. Starting from his teenage years in exile under King Nebuchadnezzar to his later years, Daniel’s story provides valuable lessons on standing firm in one’s convictions. Specifically, Daniel 1:8 highlights his resolution not to defile himself with the king's food, illustrating his commitment to integrity. The key takeaway is the importance of standing firm in the face of cultural pressures. The sermon will also address Daniel's later visions, reinforcing God's earlier revelations and offering insight into how to apply these lessons today. The speaker aims to break down the complex themes of Daniel’s prophecies into manageable discussions, ensuring clarity and understanding.
Series Information