The Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Series: Rise

February 02, 2025 | Nick Steinloski

Passage: Acts 2:1-13

Nick Steinloski, a pastor at North Shore, emphasizes the importance of praxis—putting theology into practice—which shapes his approach to ministry. He continues the study of the Book of Acts, focusing on the disciples' obedience in waiting for the Holy Spirit as instructed by Jesus. As the narrative reaches Acts 2, the disciples are gathered on Pentecost, a significant Jewish festival celebrating the giving of the Law and the harvest. Nick, raised Pentecostal, humorously recalls thinking Pentecost was named after his denomination as a child. He acknowledges the theological complexity surrounding the Holy Spirit but postpones an in-depth discussion on speaking in tongues for a later time. Instead, he highlights the transformative power of the Spirit, particularly in Peter, who shifts from denying Jesus to boldly proclaiming the gospel. He concludes by posing three key questions for reflection: What is our position? What is our response? And how do others respond?

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